Wednesday, May 26, 2010

My Overhaul!!

I have written a lot on my FB page regarding my recent weightloss and lots of you really want to know what I am doing. I think this was the best place for me to keep you updated and to let you know what I eat and I am doing daily. Here is my story on how I got to where I HAD to loose weight.
I have had a issue with my weight my whole life, it has been the one content that has always been there to alter my mood on even the best occasions. The smallest I have been was before I got pregnant and I was a size 6 before I got pregnant please also take into consideration I am 5'8. I gained about 70 lbs when I was pregnant and never got it off and just added to the weight thru eating crap daily. The recent turn around has been the fact that I am just not healthy at all. I was out of breath doing easy things and just thought that I will not live to see my daughter grow up. I was especially stupid of me to have the weight on me since I have heart problems. I finally after MANY times trying really got started on April 18. Since then I have lost about 22 lbs and 3 dress sizes. There are really no secrets but here is what I do daily!

This is my husbands take on the diet, he is the one that is helping me he has more knowledge on the subject then anyone I have ever been around and plus he has lost the weight and done the work himself:

There are no secrets and this diet isn't magic. We create a large calorie deficit, we try the best to subdue hunger via a craptastic (haha) amount of protein / fibrous veges and we pushed the time she has her first meal back to later in day. Throw in a couple of normal meals/free meals a week and that's pretty much it.

Pretty simple. The only... See More magic is that she is doing it. She deserves the credit. Not me.

If there is anything special about this approach it is that she isn't hungry which makes her adherence much better. That and I work on fixing her association and relationship with food. That is done normally by destroying every myth she "thought" she knew was true about dieting and nutrition.

and here is what I do daily:
My typical day is I wake up around 7:30 and take my daughter to school. I don't eat breakfast. I will drink water. Then around 3 I will either have some kind of protein, meaning like fish or chicken or a protein shake. We go and work out around 5:30 for about an hour to an hour and a half depending on how much I am complaining and how ... See ... See MoreMoremuch Kris and I are arguing,lol. I will say that one of the keys I think is I do not really do any cardio, I know it sounds crazy but it has really changed my body. I have lost weight before a bit and did lots of cardio and get that saggy skin that is about as gross as the fat I was carrying. I do squats with weight and then if it is arm day we do curls, bench presses and other arm exercise. Leg day is usually squats, dead lifts, and more legs. We also do dips and pull ups I do everything my husband does but with less weight. After that I will eat dinner and it will be protein and a vegetable. So no sugar, carbs, or anything. I have two "free" meals a week after I work out. The free meals are not gorge yourself meals they are normal proportions of something that I crave. I have tried MANY diets before and really wanted something that worked fast for me, since I am ADD and want to see change quick or i will be over it. It is also a BIG mental game for me that I really think I am winning now. I have long way to go say about 55 lbs, but I finally know I will do it. Any other questions just ask!

I also want to say my weight has been a HUGE part of my life, to much so. It was always the last thing I thought of before I went to bed and the first thing I thought of when I woke up. As most of you know I own a childrens clothing company so I LOVE clothes. Not being able to wear what I want was horrible for me. I just stopped caring I would just... See More wear a t shirt and gym shorts everywhere and just stopped taking pride in myself. That was not good for me or for my daughter to see me not taking care of myself. I constantly got the you are gorgeous but you need to loose weight or "you have a beautiful face "but your fat type thing. I am 30 years old and want to be the prettiest person I can be on the inside and out.Also the thought of someone thinking I was pregnant and not really overwhelmed me, it was just one of my things. I think I have a great inside and really want the outside to match. I want to be a inspiration to others and most of all my daughter!

One more thing if I can loose weight ANYONE can and this diet is great for all people with lots to little to loose. I am not patient so I want it gone as fast as I can and this is it!!


Monday, April 26, 2010

Dear Husband....

WHY do you tell me to drive and then bitch about my driving all the way home or make annoyed noises in the passenger seat. Next time I am going to elbow you in the gut and make you walk home!! Its not worth the sick feeling you make me feel when I drive you anywhere.

Dear Husband....

Why the heck do I have to ask you to rent a in demand movie, you are not my dad and if you were he would let me. Guess what jack ass your not here, ordering the movie. Take the money out of my boob job fund!!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Dear Husband....

It is pretty ridiculous that you have to get on yahoo messenger to lecture me about my parenting skills. I swear if you get your ass out of your chair it will not run away from you!!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Dear Husband...

I think it is very odd that you go and work out at 10:00 pm when you have ALL day to do it. If for some reason you are actually going to your girlfriends for a roll in the hay please get some toilet paper from her house we are out!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

My Baby!

I can't believe that my daughter will be 8 in May. I start planning her birthday party usually in January, because I am crazy like that and she is my only one and yes she is spoiled!! Her bday party this year with be a carnival theme complete with bounce house, cotton candy machine, snow cone machine, and popcorn!! I have lots to do for it and lots of ideas. We did get to have her 8 year pictures taken today and I am so glad that is was pretty. My good friend Shannon that own Lilypads and Butterflywings took the pics check them out!!

Poor baby got stung by a wasp 10 min before the pic was taken, she is a trooper!!

It is so funny how I become a quintessential stage mom when it comes to getting her pics taken.

Hope you love them as much as I do, more to come!!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Dear Husband...

I really enjoy going to dinner with you, but hate that our after dinner outings are always postponed because of your bowels! Please learn to control yourself!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Hooker Shoes!!

I do want to share with all my blog lovelies what I bought today for myself for my 5 yr anniversary. I sure do have to deal with alot when it comes to my dear husband so I thought I deserved a reward. I call my new shoes my "hooker" shoes, because they are "hooker"!! Love them. The only problem is I have no idea where I will wear them it will either be in the car taking daughter to school, tanning, or possible purchasing supplies at Hobby Lobby. I think they would be paired great with a cute track suit. I kid, kid, kind of.

Take a gander...

These are pewter ruffle heels I love!!

And here is another black pair I could not resist, they would be cute with some skinny jeans.

Please ignore my really white legs.

Dear Husband...

Well today March 19th marks another year of blissful marriage for us! I am really going to have to start looking up what you are supposed to get each year, because for the last 5 you have told me it was paper anniversary! I really would like more then a post it for all that I have to put up with and endure being Mrs. Kris Bergmann!

Love your wife!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Dear Mama....

You were so right when you told me that this to will pass and will not matter a year from now. Crazy how things can change in even 6 months, change is GOOD!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Dear Daughter.....

I do not buy groceries for you to feed the whole neighborhood, this is getting beyond annoying. Stop or I will sell you to make up for all the lost money for the food you are giving away!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Dear Husband...

So I checked into getting our daughter a clown for her bday, but they want $175 an hour for some scary person dressed up in frightening garb. So guess what you will be doing on her bday?? Found a cheap outfit, now you have to cultivate your balloon twisting skills. You can do it!

Saturday, March 13, 2010


We have a guest post today for our Dear Husband, it is my dear friend Karen here is her statement to her sweet husband. I must say I have been there done that with my hubby!

Dear Husband,

We have this thing in the kitchen area called a trash can. I know you don’t know much about it since you never take it out. But, this is where we put things when they are empty! Not back in the fridge or the pantry. And, not to make things more difficult or blow your mind, but right next to the trashcan is the recyclable trash can, where you can put all your empty beer cans!


If you have a Dear Husband or Dear Anyone for that matter let me know and I will post your legitimate complaint to the hubster.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Dear Daughter.....

Please do not hide under my covers and scare me like that. What will you do when I have a heart attack and you have knowone to feed you? You know how your daddy is!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Dear Husband...

I think it is highly inappropriate that you use my P.S. I Love You Bath and Body Works shower gel on your nasty boy parts, STOP!!!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Dear Husband...

I wanted to give you the heads up to let you know I am leaving you for the worlds richest man. He makes 30 million dollars a DAY. I think that would cover my Target and Old Navy shopping sprees, you know how I roll. What can I say I am a high end gal! However, I would like to keep you around as my pool boy for at least my west wing pool cause we all know I did not marry you for your brains!

Love your soon to be ex wife! Cha Ching!!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Dear Husband...

Next time you go to the grocery store for dinner, bring back dinner and not a $59 receipt. Love you!

Lauren and The Dog!

So the day started off pretty normal by me waking up Madison, us arguing about what she is wearing and then us leaving the house with her crying because I brushed her hair. Oh the nerve of me!! Sometimes we do not do any crying but that is because I have let her dress herself and then think about what a pittiful looking kid she looks like today and think how all the teachers are talking about her and saying "why does she not dress cuter, doesn't her mom own a childrens clothing store??" Yeah, well I do but she has her own fashion sense and her fathers personality!

The highlight of my day was taking "THE" dog to the vet. Ok so we have two dogs Paxton is a yellow lab, absolutely gorgeous, and totally neurotic! Oh and did I mention I think he weights about 300 lbs and HE thinks he weighs as much as our other dog Sawyer. Sawyer is a black lab that I bottled fed since he was born a whopping 5 oz! He needless to say is spoiled and has a mind of his own. He now is 13 lbs of attitude! So back to the vet. I took Sawyer the week before since he is easy for me to manage being so little and told Kris, my husband that he would have to go with me next week to take Paxton for his rabies. Well its time to go and then I realize I gave my dear husband to much of a certain persriptive pill "I was honestly not trying to kill him this time" and he was not able to accompany me to the vet with the "300 lb" dog. So after my initial bitch fest, I put the dog on the leash, got him in the car, and to the vet ok. Got in the vet and asked them a couple questions about his questionable behavior lately and the doctor says he needs to be tested for heart worms immediately he seems as though he is in respiratory distress, WHAT!!!!! They test Paxton and as we are waiting for the test to come back I decide it would be a great idea to take the neurotic dog to get his nails clipped. Well after 45 min of them wrestling with him and muzzling him, he has great nails! I pulled the that is not my dog, its my friends and left. Good news the test came back fine and the new diagnosis is he is NOT IN SHAPE, HAH JOIN THE CLUB! Looks like Im not the only one to need a good workout. None the less it is always an exciting day with us.

Thanks to everyone that is following my blog. I am new at this so hang in there!

Till next time

Monday, March 8, 2010

And here we go...

So now that I have become a blogger I must blog. Most of my posts will be Dear...., but some will just be what on my mind!
Watching the Oscars yesterday brings me back to the days I used to watch and dream about those pretty dresses and all the huge stars. The remind me how when I watch a good movie I get lost in it and then when it is over realize that it was just a movie. I think all of the awards last night were very much due to there recipients. Ofcourse my favorite was Sandra Bullock, I personally thought she should have won Oscar for Hope Floats as well! The best actor was well deserved too. Jeff Bridges was AMAZING in Crazy Heart, great movie even greater sound track! My personal opinion of best dressed was Sara Jessica Parker. I love her and her husband Matthew Broderick, everytime I hear him talk it reminds me of when I was little and use to watch him in Cinderella narrated by Shelly Duvall, oh the memories!!

I do however want to give a big HOWDY to my internet BF Jessica the Hunduddle Hussy! She has been one heck on a inspiration for blogging. I strive to be as great as her.

Until next time!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Dear Husband...

I feel as though I am a prisoner in my own house. You buy a thermostat that I can't adjust and then lock it so I can make it cooler in here. I think it is just one more way of you having control!! Hope I don't sweat to death!!